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Drama Aptitude Test

The Drama Aptitude Tests will be held at Northampton School on Monday 14th October 2024.

Drama Aptitude Test Outline

Applicants will start with a simple warm-up and then be placed in small groups.

  • Each group will be provided with a stimulus, such as a picture, piece of poetry or prose, and asked to create four still images in response to the stimulus (Creativity)
  • Following this, each group will be asked to add a line of dialogue. (Development)
  • Finally, each group will be asked to add five seconds of action to each image. (Refinement)
  • The groups will then present to one another. (Performance)

All stimuli will be given on the day.

Each applicant will be marked on their engagement in both the rehearsal and final performance in 7 different areas of aptitude, as follows:

Rehearsal: Concentration; Listening skills; Collaboration; Creativity.

Performance: Stage positioning; Vocal projection; Staying in role.

Applicants will be assessed on a scale of 1-5 for each depending on their level of aptitude.

Each applicant will receive an aggregate score up to a maximum of 35. Applicants will be ranked according to their score. The 4 applicants with the highest rank, will be offered a place. If an applicant with a rank within the 4 places available does not take up a place, the place is awarded to the next highest ranked applicant. Where there is more than one applicant with the same score, the ranked position for these applicants is determined by random allocation.

The Aptitude Test will be conducted indoors but attendees should dress appropriately for the activity they will be undertaking. Attendees should wear comfortable clothing such as tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt, sweatshirt and comfortable shoes.   

It is possible that applicants will push themselves physically during this testing.  The parents of any applicant who has a pre-existing medical condition should make the school aware of this prior to testing through the application process on Eventbrite. Any applicant who is asthmatic should ensure they use their inhaler prior to exercise and carry it with them to the testing as necessary.

Please click here to apply for a place on a Drama Aptitude Test