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Student Voice

School Council

Each Form group elects a Form Representative every year, who sits on the Year Council and who represents the student voice. Year Council meetings are overseen by the relevant Head of Year.

Ideas and feedback from the Year Council meetings, which take place three times a year, are taken forward and discussed by the school’s Senior Leadership Team with feedback being provided at the next Year Council meeting.

Student surveys

Each year, students will be asked to complete a student survey. The questions have been taken from a number of sources such as the Key; other ‘Outstanding’ schools; and the Ofsted ‘Pupil Survey Questions’ asked during an inspection.

Questions are intended to cover several aspects of school life, including behaviour and attitudes. Feedback from this survey will inform the school’s own self-evaluation.

Students will also be asked during their Personal Development week to complete a ‘PD survey’ which will include a section on anti-bullying. The feedback from this survey will again inform the school’s own self-evaluation.

Student survey outcomes 2023-24

98% of NS students think that NS is a good school to attend

98% of NS students respect their teachers

96% of NS students say their teachers help them to be the best they can be and be successful

97% of NS students say they feel encouraged to respect others and treat each other equally

93% of NS students say they feel safe coming to school

96% of NS students say that adults care about them and their well-being at school

98% of NS students are proud to be at the school

This is what our students said:

“Everybody is very caring and understanding and I feel happy with the people around me.”

“This school is amazing and has a wide range of educational opportunities. I love my teachers and the work I am presented.”

“Overall I think NS is a great school to be at and provides me with many opportunities.”

“I think NS is a great school and I feel very welcome.”

“I feel great as a student at NS. I feel safe all the time and am proud to be a pupil at this school.”

“I am very lucky to be a student in NS and it is a good place to learn.”

You said

  • We would like mirrors in the toilets.
  • We would like assemblies to include ‘World Days’.
  • We would like access to different play equipment at break.
  • We would like alternative prizes to weekly queue jump for those that don't use canteen.
  • We would like access to House point league tables.

We have:

  • ensured that there will be mirrors in the new buildings.
  • included a focus on different 'World Days' through assemblies and the weekly Head’s bulletin.
  • installed external basketball hoops for use at lunchtime.
  • looked at our rewards and will introduce an alternative next year.
  • updated the House table in assemblies more regularly and on the website.